The Chuffer
June 18, 2014
I just completed my second ever air engine: The Chuffer. With this project I decided that I’d go for complexity, rather than the simplistic approach I took when I built The Wobbler earlier this year. [vine url=“” width=400 height=400] The Chuffer is a twin-cylinder double acting engine - which means each of its two cylinders both push and pull the piston. This means it operates much more smoothly and can self-start as there’s always a piston on a power stroke, regardless of where the flywheel is. [vine url=“” width=400 height=400] Unlike its predecessor, the Chuffer has fixed cylinders and airflow is controlled by two spool valves, operated by eccentrics next to the flywheel via some pushrods and a hopelessly over-engineered lever mechanism. [vine url=“” width=400 height=400] And of course everything was made by yours truly, in the garage, from chunks of brass, steel and aluminium bar and flat stock I bought on eBay. Needless to say, I have learned a lot since I started the project this February!
What’s next? Well, maybe a generator…