The ASCII Speedometer

October 25, 2012

Once I’d got Mono up and running, the first little project I did with the Raspberry Pi was to hook up an old GPS module and use it to create a text based speedometer for the car.  It was the first step I took towards making The Duke sentient building an on-board computer for my Land Rover.  I was fun to do and raised a smile with the people who I told about it, so I thought I’d bung the details online.

The Hardware Bit

First step is to get the serial port working.  If you have a USB GPS module then it’s just a case of plugging it in, but mine is a 3.3v logic-level serial module that I bought about eight years ago to use with my Gumstix in big charity walks we did back in 2004 and 2006.  It’s safe to say that hooking it up to the Raspberry Pi was a much simpler affair!

There are some great guides out there about soldering up the right pins (here).  I hooked up 3.3v power, ground and connected TX on the GPS to RX on the Raspberry Pi.  I used a little bit of veroboard, a 0.1" header, some ribbon cable and made the GPS pluggable.

Out of the box the Raspberry has a console running on the serial port.  You need to disable this before you can do anything with the port.  Very easy to do: Edit /etc/inittab and remove the line that refers to /dev/ttyAMA0;  Edit /boot/cmdline.txt and remove the chunks of text that refer to /dev/ttyAMA0.  After a reboot the terminal will be gone.

Reading from the Serial Port in Mono

Right, now we’re ready to write some code.  First off I wrote this simple bit of C# to test that I was getting messages. The ReadData method reads text from the serial port one character at a time, detecting end of line characters to return a string for each line. The main method loops forever reading these lines and printing them to the console if they start with the NMEA “Recommended Minimum Content” message $GPRMC.

using System;
using System.IO.Ports;

public class Serial
   public static void Main()
      SerialPort serial = new SerialPort("/dev/ttyAMA0", 4800);
      serial.ReadTimeout = 1000;

         string data = ReadData(serial);
         if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data) && data.StartsWith("$GPRMC"))

   public static string ReadData(SerialPort serial)
      byte tmpByte;
      string rxString = "";

         tmpByte = (byte) serial.ReadByte();
         rxString += ((char) tmpByte);
         tmpByte = (byte) serial.ReadByte();
      }while (tmpByte != 13 && tmpByte != 10);

      return rxString.Trim();

Parsing the NMEA Data

I then did a bit of a Test Driven Development exercise to write a proper parser for NMEA messages. To do this in a test driven way I got my hands on some data files containing raw NMEA data and used that to create a Mock serial port reader. I could then pass these messages through my parser and test that I had managed to extract the right data.

Unit testing and using mocks was a great way to develop this part of the application. I could use recorded routes with real movement to test the parsing of speed data - since coding in a moving car seemed silly. I could also do all the coding work in Visual Studio on my Windows machine. This meant I could make the most of a nice big screen, code completion, resharper’s excellent testing interface and so on, then just push the code onto the Pi when it was done; I didn’t have to worry that “/dev/ttyAMA0” is “COM3” in Windows land, because I wasn’t using a real serial port to do 99% of the development.

A typical test for parsing of individual messages (hand typed!):

[TestCase("$GPRMC,005959,V,4807.038,N,11130.00,E,022.4,084.4,010101,003.1,W*4E", 48.1173, 111.5)]
public void CanParseLatLongFromRmcMessage(string input, double expectedLat, double expectedLong)
    NmeaParser parser = new NmeaParser();
    GpsMeasurement measurement = parser.Parse(input);

    Assert.That(measurement.Latitude, Is.EqualTo(expectedLat));
    Assert.That(measurement.Longitude, Is.EqualTo(expectedLong));

The mock serial reader class:

public class MockSerialPortReader : IPortReader
    private readonly string filename;
    private readonly int sleep;

    public MockSerialPortReader(string filename, int sleep)
        this.filename = filename;
        this.sleep = sleep;

    public IEnumerable Lines
            foreach (string line in File.ReadAllLines(filename))
                yield return line;

A typical unit test using the mock reader:

public void CanGetMeasurementsFromMockReaderDataSet1()
    NmeaParser parser = new NmeaParser();

    IEnumerable measurements = parser.ParseFrom(new MockSerialPortReader(dataSet1, 0));
    Assert.That(measurements, Is.Not.Null);
    CollectionAssert.AllItemsAreInstancesOfType(measurements, typeof(GpsMeasurement));

    Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1}", measurements.Last().Latitude, measurements.Last().Longitude);

Displaying the Speedo Text

The final stage of this little mini-project was to knock up a user interface. I spent a while looking at how to get something working under X Windows, then decided to go back to the Old School and just use ASCII art.

First thing was to find a quick and dirty way to define how each big number would look. Each number is made up of a grid of characters, defined in a class:

public class TextConstants
    public static readonly string[] Zero = new[]
            "   000000",
            "  00000000",
            " 000    000",
            " 000    000",
            " 000    000",
            " 000    000",
            "  00000000",
            "   000000"

   ...etc etc...

Writing this out then becomes an exercise in text placement:

public void DrawSpeed(int speed)


    char[] asciiSpeed = speed.ToString("00").ToCharArray();

    int xOffset = 20;
    foreach (char c in asciiSpeed)
        DrawNumber(TextConstants.For(c), xOffset, 8);
        xOffset += 15;

private void DrawNumber(IEnumerable lines, int xOffset, int yOffset)
    int lineNo = 0;
    foreach (string line in lines)
        WriteAt(line, xOffset, yOffset + lineNo);

Did it Work?

Well, yes! The main issue was the update speed. This is because the old GPS module outputs data very very slowly and has quite a slow refresh rate. As a speedometer it wasn’t much good - it generally showed the speed I was doing about 15 seconds ago. As a project it worked brilliantly though.

I extended the code slightly to add some logging. This saved the location data to a set of simple, size-limited, CSV files on the Pi’s flash card. I then knocked up some more code to turn the measurements into a “Trip Report” using the Google Maps API. Top Notch!