It was very very cold today and I had a raging hang over, but I also had new doors tops, locks and electrical stuff for The Duke. So, I donned various layers of clothes (two coats and long johns included) and headed out into the garden.

The door tops came with bolts, glass and rubber seals but no bolts and no window locks either. The door tops slot in well enough and are just a little loose without the bolts for the moment. Window locks will have to be bought.

The door locks fit fine too, though the driver’s door is still bent and needs a real whack to get it closed and locked properly. Otherwise, it’s OK. The locks work too, and as long as burglars promise not to smash the windows and open them by hand then security levels are high!

After I did the doors I carried on fiddling about with the electrics. Bunged the big flood lights on in the back, shut the doors and was positively toasty - well, above zero anyway!