I got a second hand Weber carburettor off eBay the other day.  I decided I’d give one a go as The Duke’s fuel economy remains resolutely stuck around 14MPG. Gave it a clean in a bucket of gunk and was thinking of taking is all to bits to see what sort of condition it’s in, perhaps cleaning it all out and buying a new set of gaskets before carefully reassembling and fitting.  Then I decided to forget all that and just bung it on the engine and see what happens.  For the first time in a very long time The Duke started from cold on the first turn of the key with no choke.  Adjusted the idle speed to something sensible and then leaned it off to something far closer to a purr - though still not totally unlike a spanner in the tumble drier. Took it for a test drive and was very pleased with the results.  Not exactly a super-car, or even close to our ten-year-old Mondeo, but much better than I’ve been used to!  People say the Weber is actually a downgrade from the stock Zenith, but based on my tests so far, it’s a clear upgrade to a crappy Indian Zenith copy. Two sorts of adapter plate.  The military one from The Duke is fatter. Installed and running.  The throttle linkage needed shortening and the choke that I just spent ages on needs a longer cable or some kind of clever 90 degree linkage.